As a site needs both web hosting space and a domain, it’s important to be able to effortlessly manage not only the former, but also the latter. Even if the hosting service is dependable and fast, registering a brand-new domain name and linking it to a particular site may be a burden and may require lots of time and energy. Indeed, this is the case with the great majority of hosting providers out there – you’ll have at least two accounts, one billing account and one hosting account, and registering a domain name and bringing it online will require signing in and out of the two accounts. It would be much more convenient if you could do all these things from a single place and focus on your website, not on various administrative tasks.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Hosting
Administering your domains and everything associated with them will be really easy if you get a shared hosting package through our company. The account itself will be managed through the powerful Hepsia Control Panel, an essential part of which is our feature-laden Domain Manager tool. The latter will allow you to administer all your domains without any effort – you’ll be able to register and to renew domain names in bulk, to enable Whois Privacy Protection for any of them or to update their DNS resource records, to park and to forward them with only a few clicks. The tool also has fast-access buttons and by clicking on any of your domain names, you will be able to accomplish a lot of things – to examine visitor statistics, to set up email accounts or databases, to access the web files associated with the given domain name and so on. The strength of our Domain Manager is that all these features are accessible in one single location, so you won’t have to use different admin consoles, which will spare you lots of time.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each semi-dedicated server plan that we offer, is an all-encompassing tool, which will give you absolute command over your semi-dedicated account and which features our feature-rich Domain Manager. The latter permits you to administer everything associated with the domain names in the account – both the hosted and the registered ones. The most essential options are all there – you can register or renew a domain name, enable Whois Privacy Protection for it, park and redirect it or change its WHOIS details. The Domain Manager, though, is much more than simply a list of your domain names and a couple of basic functions. It is a leading-edge tool, within which you’ll find quick-access buttons, using which you can effortlessly set up a database or a mail account, access the web files associated with a given domain name or examine exhaustive web traffic stats and access logs. Albeit powerful, the Domain Manager tool is intuitive, so it can be used by persons with little-to-no experience.